I think when you go to the beach in the middle of winter it makes you appreciate it even more in the summer. It really is amazing what a transformation the beach goes through every season. Maybe that is mother natures way of making you slow down and appreciate every day that we have and to really appreciate all the good things in our lives. Sometimes we have to wait for things and when we do we are truly rewarded for being patient. Trust me it is really hard to be patient for spring when it is only 15 degrees outside!
So today I am truly thankful that I had the chance to spend the day with my husband and that we are both healthy and able to get out and live life. That is my new motto just "live life" and enjoy every day and make every day count. So as you start your work week think about the things that really matter and try and not get caught up in the rat race of life. Our lives are so precious and they can be taken away at any time. Every day we have is a gift and you should honor it. I hope you have a fabulous week and remember there is always someone more wealthy than you, someone a little smarter , more physically fit than you and so on and on, so don't take life for granted be happy with what you have some people are not so fortunate. Live Life !
"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer." Albert Camus